The Brookhaven Experiment

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The Brookhaven Experiment

PlayStation®VR and PlayStation®Camera are required.
VR Games may cause some players to experience motion sickness.
Something has gone terribly wrong. There aren’t many people left these days. The…things that showed up – after the Experiment tore a hole through reality – have seen to that. You’re not sure how much time you, or humanity itself, has left. If you have enough bullets, maybe you can live long enough to fight off the monsters and see tomorrow.
Players will have to use the weapons provided to survive ever more terrifying waves of horrific monsters in an attempt to figure out what caused the beginning of the end of the world, and, if they’re strong enough, stop it from happening.
AIM Controller Support
Virtual Reality Shooter
Realistic Pistol Aiming/Firing
Weapon/Item Upgrade Selection System
Monster/Player Interaction
Situational Horror
Occasional Pants Wetting
VR games may cause some players to experience motion sickness.
PlayStation®Camera Required
2 PS®Move controllers required
1 player
5MB minimum save size
PlayStation®VR Required
PlayStation®Camera Required
2 PS®Move controllers required
Enhanced play with 1 PS VR Aim controller


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